Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Terrorism and Mental Health Care: Suspect: Sarah Kim at F.A.C.T, Gainesville, FL U.S.A-Second Full Investigation Recommended: 4 28 2015 Bayo Cary

April 28, 2015

Fraud Report: F.A.C.T. Gainesville, FL U.S.A.: A Second Full Investigation Recommended Immediately

Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
1005 N.W. 39th Avenue
Gainesville, FL U.S.A. 32609
Cell: 011-352-262-9733

@39 S.W. 7th Terrace Suite B
Gainesville, FL U.S.A. 32601
Supervising Psychiatrist: Dr. Eve Hershberger

Medicine Provider
4300 S.W. 13th Street
Gainesville, FL U.S.A. 32608
Phone: 001-352-264-9995
Fax: 001-352-264-9983

         Last week, the day after I announced, the Department of Defense report, regarding the U.S. Marines, and their findings, that they have collected evidence implicating Obama and comrades, in active support, of International terrorism, the next day, a woman, came to my apartment-she said she was from F.A.C.T., and she tried to give a prescription, for a dangerous and heavy psychotropic medication, called: Abilify. I am not: depressed, or psychotic, or delusional, or having hallucinations. I refused the medication, at my front door, because I knew the situation was suspicious, and, I had to slam my front door, in the woman’s face, to get her to leave.

         The woman told me, that my psychiatrist at F.A.C.T., prescribed the medication for me-that it was not samples, that the psychiatrist, had written out a script for me, because, she thought I was depressed, and suffering from an anxiety disorder-none of the above are true. Here is a picture, of the paperwork, that she presented to me, at my front door, and that she stated, the medication, had been prescribed for:

Additionally, when the woman, tried to force me, to take the Abilify, for a mental health condition, that I do not have, she handed me, a treatment plan, from a case worker at F.A.C.T., named: Sarah-who, I refused to work with, several weeks ago-right after I joined F.A.C.T. . Sarah, when I joined F.A.C.T., told me, that F.A.C.T., would pay my entire utility bill, prior to me signing the lease, to my apartment. I do not have enough money, to pay for my utilities, or, to pay for my rent. Sarah, also told me, that F.A.C.T., would pay: $ 250. 00 dollars U.S.D., every month, towards my rent. Lastly, Sarah told me, that F.A.C.T., would pay from my dental care, at the dentist office, of my choosing.

      When rent was due this month, Sarah, only sent a check, for: $ 200.00 dollars U.S.D., to my apartment complex manager. When I went in, to pay my half of the rent, I was stunned. I called F.A.C.T., and complained, and a receptionist, had to drive over, to pay the additional $ 50.00 dollars U.S.D., towards my rent, as agreed to, in an addendum, to my lease agreement. Secondly, when my utilities were due this month, they were approximately: $ 67.00 dollars U.S.D. . Gainesville Regional Utilities, have the highest utility rates, in the state of Florida, as per a realtor, who I recently spoke to. Sarah, did not want F.A.C.T., to pay the utility bill, even though, she told me two times-once before I signed my lease, and then, after I signed my lease-again, that F.A.C.T., would pay my entire utility bill, every month-I complained to the director of F.A.C.T.: Noel. Lastly, I made a dentist appointment, at the beginning of this month-tentatively, for May 18th, with: Dr. Thaler-my dentist, through his receptionist: Michelle:
Office Locations:

3500 W University Ave
Gainesville, FL 32607
(352) 378-2233 (Office)
(352) 375-7507 (Fax)

I went into F.A.C.T., last week Thursday, and signed a release of information form, with Trish Sokol, so, F.A.C.T., could exchange, confidential medical information, with my dentist, and, make arrangements, to pay for the dental visit. I have no serious dental problems. My dentist, refused to see me, if my mouth, was not in excellent condition, because, he has not seen me, in a number of years, and, people who do not take care of their teeth, are a liability, for a dentist-and, I understand this. My mouth, is in excellent condition-even though, I was homeless, with no assistance from anyone, anywhere-including my family here, for 5 years. I am not, a prostitute, drug abuser, or, alcoholic.

           The following, is a copy, of the treatment plan, that was handed to me, by the woman, who claimed to represent F.A.C.T., and, who tried to give Abilify, to me:

Page 1: I am being denied work in America. I have been denied all employment in the U.S.A., since 2008, for all intents and purposes, because of a negative sociopolitical environment, in the U.S. .Obama and comrades, are actively supporting International terrorism, and denying work, to any and all Americans, who are not willing, to: “participate,” in terrorist activities. Sarah states, on page I, that I am not social enough, away from the F.A.C.T. offices-that is not correct. I speak to people, everywhere I go. I have ordered business cards, for my Nonprofit Organization, and I pass them out, to people, I may be able to assist, and, to people, who may be willing to assist me.

           Additionally, Sarah states, on page 1, of her treatment plan, that: I require three visits a week, for therapeutic support, because she thinks, I am seriously depressed, and suffering from: depression, that is not treated by Zoloft, anxiety, and, schizophrenia, and, none of the above, are true. I am not unhappy. I work every day. I have established my own Nonprofit Organization: Emergency International Internet Relief, because, no one was really willing to hire me, in the U.S., and, I am an able and capable worker. My business webpages, are almost up, and fully running already, at: Google+ Bayo Cary: bayoecary@gmail.com and bayoelizacary@gmail.com Additionally, I have some of my recent research work, and homework, to demonstrate my ability to work hard, posted, to my Google Blogger account, for public review, and scrutiny: bayocary.blogspot.com .

          When I called F.A.C.T., to complain to the director: Noel, and the psychiatrist: Dr. Hershberger, about the F.A.C.T. employee, who tried to force feed me Abilify, which is not indicated, for mild depression, Dr. Hershberger, told the receptionist, that it was not an emergency, and she would she me, next week, on the 4th of May. I reminded the receptionist, to tell Dr. Hershberger, that it is not legal, for her to change my diagnosis, and to prescribe medication for me, prior to a recent evaluation. Dr. Hershberger, has not seen me, in 2 months, and, did not think, that I needed, to rush into the F.A.C.T. office, to be seen.

           I asked Noel, the director of F.A.C.T., to please come by my apartment, to evaluate me, because, someone from F.A.C.T., was pretending that I am: a retarded dysfunctional severely mentally ill, and emotionally challenged adult-which, is not true true, at all. Noel told me, that he did not think I sounded depressed at all, and that, he believed me, that I was doing well in school, and that, my apartment was clean, and that, my clothing was clean, and, that I was managing my limited budget well, and that, all my bills, had been paid, this month-that I was responsible for-and, all of the above, is true. I paid a Cox Cable Bill. I paid a Legalzoom Nonprofit Organization Esatblishment fee. I paid a Verizon cell phone bill. I paid several eFax bills. I paid a Lexington Law bill. And, I paid, for all of my own: food, clothing, hygiene products, vitamins, cleaning supplies, etc.-and, I did not go over budget, or, mismanage my money. I had money left over, at the end of this month’s pay period.

Page 2:

Sarah pretends, like she has not already told me, that I can schedule a dentist appointment, with my own family dentist, and, she pretends like, the dental appointment, is not already scheduled, and, like the release of information form for F.A.C.T., to speak to my dentist, has not already been signed by me.

Page 3:

 Sarah pretends, like I am having problems getting along with me children. I am very close to all 3 of my children. I text to my children, on their cell phones. I sent emails, to my children. And, I try to visit my children, whenever my adopted mom, will allow me. My adopted mom, does not have custody of my children, and she prevents me from spending time with them-even though, I have never abused my children.

       When my adopted mom, is angry with me, or when I am doing very well, when I want to have my children back, or when I want to take my children, and leave the U.S.-because people here are not helping me enough, or hiring me-so I cannot support myself, my adopted mom, pretends that I am suicidal, and psychotic. She uses her U.S. Florida Bar Association, and Florida State University Degree, and she locks me up, in mental hospitals, to be tortured, and over-medicated, when nothing is really wrong with me. A judge: Early, of mental health court, from Tallahassee, FL, has already told my adopted mom, along with a psychiatrist, and public defender, that I am functional, and not seriously mentally ill, and my adopted mom, does not care at all. My adopted mom, scares me, and she scares other people-my children are terrified of my adopted mom: Susan Cary, Esq.-because she pretends, that healthy Americans, are dysfunctional mental patients.

       When my adopted mom, Susan Cary, Esq.: 001-352-219-3459, locks me up, in mental hospitals to be tortured and abused, for no reason-except to support Obama, and his International terrorism, she steals, everything I own, and then, refuses to give my belongings back to me, this includes, and is not limited to: my children, my furniture, my home, my electronics, my clothing, my jewelry, my mail, etc. .Additionally, when my adopted mom, Susan Cary Esq.: 001-352-373-7899, locks me up, to be tortured, abused, and raped, in mental hospitals, she calls the hospital, and tells the psychiatrist, what medications, to put me on. My adopted mom, Susan Cary Esq., is not medically trained, and, is not qualified to evaluate, anyone’s mental health status. My adopted mom, Susan Cary Esq.: esqary@gru.net and esqary@gmail.com , needs to be disbarred, and her legal degree, needs to be taken away from her-for excessive abuse, and inhumane treatment, that goes against, all American, and International laws, pertaining to human rights.

Page 4:

Sarah pretends, like I do not clean my apartment, and I like, I am not neat, and tidy. Sarah has not seen the inside of my apartment, in a month. My apartment, is always, almost spotless. My dishes are usually washed, once a day. I try to clean the entire apartment, once a week: sweeping, moping, counter tops, clean sheets and pillow cases, and clean clothing, in my closet. I took pictures of my apartment, and posted them to the web, all week last week, to my Facebook page, and, to my Google+ account, because my adopted mom, pretends, like I am dysfunctional, and unable, to care for myself. Facebook: Bayo Cary Google+: Bayo Cary.

Page 5: 

Sarah pretends, like I have missed appointments, like I have not been looking for work, while I have been working to establish my own business, and like she has no knowledge at all, about how difficult finding work, for me, is. Sarah pretends, like I am depressed, anxious, and psychotic, and like, I am not taking my Zoloft, as prescribed-all of the above, is untrue. Sarah pretends, like I am aggressive, manic, self isolating, like I am stressed-out, like I am not managing my budget, like I am not living independently, and like I am not interacting socially, in appropriate way, with others-all of the above, are completely untrue.

       I am happy. I am not depressed. I enjoy establishing my business, looking for work, spending time with my children, volunteering at Friends of the Library, when I have time, visiting wit F.A.C.T.-most staff and clients, cleaning my apartment, washing my clothing, talking with my next door neighbor Robert, chatting with the apartment manager Maxine, chatting to my friends on my Facebook page, meeting new people when I take the bus around town, joking with my distant cousin: Prince Harry on Twitter, participating in the online cyber security conference, through the Department of Defense, cooking in my kitchen, shopping for groceries in my neighborhood, and at Dollar Tree, etc. .

Page 6:

Dr. Hershberger diagnosed me, with only mild depression. Sarah, on her own, or with the help, of maybe only 1 other F.A.C.T. member on staff, changed my diagnosis codes, because, she is pretending, that I am seriously mentally ill. Dr. Hershberger, has not seen me, to evaluate me-as stated previously, in almost 2 months. I called: Genoa, the medicine provider, for F.A.C.T. today: April 28, 2015, to ask, if they had an order on file, from Dr. Hershberger, prescribing Abilify for me, because, Dr. Hershberger told me, that she did not think I required, and anti-psychotic medication, for my mild depression. And, Dr. Hershberger, understood, that it is not legal, to change my diagnosis code, and to prescribe a new medication for me, without first evaluating me again.

         Melinda, at genoa, asked me if the script I was offered, was a sample. I stated no. The woman from F.A.C.T., who tried to force me to take the medication, told me, that it was a presecription, that had been prescribed, by Dr. Hershberger. When I called the F.A.C.T. offices to complain-as previously stated, Dr. Hershberger, thought I was doing well, and told the receptionist, to tell me, that she would she me next month. Melinda, at Genoa said, that they had no script ordered in their office, that was prescribed for me, for Abilify, by Dr. Hershbereger-and, that was what I thought, and, what I had already communicated to the director of F.A.C.T.-Noel, who agreed, that he did not need to check-up on me right away, because, as previously stated, he said, he believed, that I was telling the truth, and, that I was doing well.

          F.A.C.T., was closed down once before. I reported F.A.C.T. once before, for medical fraud. All the medical records from F.A.C.T. were seized, and the old F.A.C.T., is still under investigation. I am now, because of the F.A.C.T. members, who tried to illegally prescribe, Abilify for me, for a mental condition, that I do not have-am requesting, that a second investigation, of: Medicaid fraud, medical mal-practice, terrorism support activities, cruel and unusual punishment, and abuse of the disabled-take place.

         Sara Kim, has been incredibly inappropriate with me, from the moment I met her. I told Noel, weeks ago, that I am not willing to have Sara Kim, as a case worker. Sarah Kim, is rude to me, unreliable, she lost paperwork, that I turned in, she lied to me, about financial assistance, that she told me, that F.A.C.T., would definitely provide for me, she illegally changed my diagnosis, she wrote up a treatment plan, full of lies, and speculations, and, she may have talked to my adopted mom, to decide, what to say about me, and, about what medication, to try to force me to take-all, without the approval, of the F.A.C.T. psychiatrist-Dr. Hershberger, and the medication, that a F.A.C.T. member, tried to force me to take-which is prescribed, for mental health conditions, that I do not have, was not ordered by Dr. Hershberger, through the F.A.C.T., medicine provider: Genoa.

         Sarah Kim, told me, that she, has an application pending, with the U.S. F.B.I., and that, a former F.B.I. agent, recommended her for the position. Sarah Kim, also told me, that she did not think, that I am qualified, for law school, or to work, for the U.S. F.B.I.-or for any Intelligence agency anywhere. I think Sarah Kim, is a terrorist, and mentally ill. I do not recommend Sarah Kim, for employment with: F.A.C.T., or with the U.S. F.B.I. . Sarah Kim, has apparently been case manager, for a significant period of time at F.A.C.T. .I strongly suspect, that she has been abusing, other clients at F.A.C.T., as well. Please deny Sarah Kim, employment, with the U.S. F.B.I. I think she should be electrocuted, for what she tried to do to me. Florida, is a death penalty U.S. State still, and I am Republican, and I, strongly support, the death penalty-at this point. The way Sarah Kim, at F.A.C.T., has interacted with me, and attempted to lie, and mislabel me, with mental health conditions, and dysfunctional, that I do not have, is unconscionable.

My Current Resume:

Resume: Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

Summary of Qualifications:
      • Organized, motivated professional with track record of success.
      • Proven expertise in written, graphic, and spoken communication.
      • Proficient in all aspects of Microsoft Office.
      • Awarded multiple scholarships for academic achievement.
      • Qualified to teach Information Science at college level.
Relevant Experience:
      • Experience filing and organizing office activities.
      • Wrote office correspondence for law firm.
      • Performed accurate data entry.
      • Wrote successful grants.
      • Completed university level Pre-legal, Pre-medical, and with honors.
Employment History:
      University of Florida Athletic Association, Gainesville, FL
      Office Assistant
      Mark Olive, Esq., Tallahassee, FL
      Legal Assistant
      PIMS Program, Tallahassee, FL
      Personal Assistant
       Hiring Manager: Ms. Patty: 001-352-386-965-2259
       Report posted: Goggle Blogger: bayocary.blogspot.com
       Walgreens Under-Cover Investigation of Suspected Store Fraud: Cosmetics Department
      Post Masters Certificate Business Administration Advanced Accounting, 2015
      Specialization: Advanced Accounting: C.G.P.A.: 4.0 Thus far out of 4.0
      Currently Enrolled Northcentral University
      Masters, Library and Information Science, 2010: C.G.P.A: 4.0 out of 4.0
      Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
      Bachelor of Arts, English, 2008: C.G.P.A.: 3.10 out of 4.0
      University of Florida, University of Florida
       Associate Degree: C.G.P.A.: 3.6 out of 4.0
       English, Honors Studies, Honor Society
      Friends of the Library
       Book Sorter
        Department of Defense Online Conference Cyber Security for Experts
       April 22, 2015: US Marines announced that they have collected evidence to prove, that Obama and comrades, are supporting International terrorism (not classified information). I am waiting for the transcripts, from the conference, and, for my continuing education certificates, to arrive in the mail.
       Proof of my invitation, and attendance, are posted to my Google Blogger webpage: bayocary.blogspot.com
      Grant Recipient, 2010
      Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
      Awarded grant for perfect 4.0 GPA.
      Herbert Lehman Undergraduate Scholarship
      The Legal Defense Fund
      Awarded multi-year scholarship for academic achievement, and more. . .
      Member: American Library Association
       Member: Society for Human Resource Management

Northcentral University, Prescott, AZ
2015, Presently Enrolled
Post Master’s Degree Certificate Business Administration
Specialization: Advanced Accounting
Faculty: Wendy Achilles, PhD
Contact Info:
Email: wachilles@ncu.edu
Phone: 2522920229

Rachel Buckley
2330 Carlton Drive
Orlando, FL U.S.A.
Employed: Art Instructor
Howard Middle School-O.C.P.S.

March 1, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

        I have the educational requirements to satisfactorily meet this job applications requirements. I earned a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from Florida State University August of 2010 with a perfect 4.0 G.P.A., and the completion of a voluntary thesis. As a graduate of a master’s degree in library and information science, I was trained to work in a library, and/or a museum. Presently, I am studying in a post master’s business administration program, with an advanced accounting specialization. The post master’s certificate program, begins to prepare me for the certified public account certification exam, and the credits earned, can go towards a doctoral studies program in business administration.

           I have a safe driving record. I have driven a University of Florida vehicle, while working for U.F. before. I drove student athletes to be evaluated by a psychologist, at an off campus location, when I worked in 2008, for the Athletic Association. I received no tickets while driving the U.F. vehicle, and had no operational, or directional issues. I drove only to the predetermined destination that was indicated in my job requirements, and I did no damage to the vehicle. I maintained a log of miles driven and destinations. Lastly, I drove the vehicle to a maintenance station by the U.F. practice football field, for check-up, inspection, and gas. 

       As an undergraduate student, I worked a number of clerical positions on college campuses, where I was handling strictly confidential information. I never caused a breach of confidentiality. As an office assistant on college campuses, I engaged in a number of duties and activities: office running, data entry, grading intelligence tests, faxing, filing, Xeroxing, office memos, Microsoft Office Suite including Excel, successful grant writing, community outreach, undergraduate honor society sponsorship, student code of conduct brochure writing. 

        I have basic training in building and validating webpages, and some experience working with Adobe and Illustrator with graphic arts. I have been participating in arts and crafts activities, ever since I was a very young child. I took a significant number of art classes in high school. And while working in Tallahassee, FL, as a pre-school instructor-where I was certified as an early childhood education provider through Leon County, I engaged in a number of arts and crafts activities, with the students in my classes.

         I can multi-task, and still perform my job functions well. I am a fast typist, and a quick learner. I behave and dress in a professional manner-paying close attention to time restraints, deadlines, and quantity, and quality of work. I follow employment rules and requirements. I enjoy being pleasant and helpful. I have a polite and clear speaking voice, for communicating in person an over the phone. I have no problems operating a computer, email, etc. I accurately document messages, conversations, and I data enter record information correctly, and in a timely manner. I am a team player. I enjoy working with others.

       My last employment position, was as an under-cover investigator, of a suspected employee fraud. The case only took me, 2 days to solve. I forwarded my report, onto, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission-as required, because, I suspected, that management was also involved in the fraudulent activity, at the Walgreens store, where I was hired. I posted a copy, of my full report, as well as recent examples, of my homework, and Freelance reporting, to my Google Blogger webpage: bayocary.blogspot.com .

         If you offer relocation assistance, then please consider me for such. I have three children, who are almost adults, who will need to relocate with me. Thank you. What I lack in experience I can learn along the way. I am a fast learner and I am available to begin work immediately. I can be easily reached by phone at: 001-352-262-9733 or by email: bayo.cary@yahoo.com . Thank you for your time and attention, and for your full consideration for employment. I hope you decide to hire me. I promise to be an asset, and to be of service, to you, your organization.


Bayo Cary

I am trending, on my Google+ webpages, right now. Google+: Bayo Cary 

Google+: Just approved, my new Nonprofit Organization: Emergency International Internet Relief, for participation, in a profit earning ad campaign.

Resume: Miss B. E. Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

Cell Phone: 352-262-9733
    I have begun an accredited online part-time post master’s degree program in business administration, with a specialization in advanced accounting, through Northcentral University, which leads to a doctoral program. The post master’s degree program is one year long. I hope to apply what I learn online in the classroom to my work environment. As an undergraduate student I held a number of work study positions that were clerical in nature where I handled confidential documents with no breach of confidentiality. I need work experience. I love to be challenged and I am a life-long learner. If there is something that needs to be done and the office and I do not know how to do it, then, I will be happy to return to school to study and certify in a specific work area. I am a team player. I have a happy disposition and enjoy helping others.

       I am looking for a long term work position in which I will have the opportunity to grow and learn with the company. I am available for immediate hire. I can start off full or part time. I can work almost any hours as long as the buses are running during those times. I am available for special projects and for over time. While working on my master’s degree I specialized in online academic database research and information studies. For my post master’s degree through Northcentral University I will be studying business administration with a focus on accounting. The accounting focus in the post master’s business program through Northcentral University are preparation in part for the CPA exam to become a certified public accountant.

      At present, I am a freelancer, a: writer, reporter, investigator, photographer, researcher, blogger, and, I am qualified to provide instruction on a college level, in the area, of basic computer science, and basic information science, and library science.  I have the ability to: create, and engage in the following activities, as long as I have access to a computer, I can: make movies, make music, record commercials, design web pages, validate web pages, social network for informational and marketing purposes, utilize other various media creating applications which are available online, and which can easily be purchased as a software package, such as: graphic design, which can be applied to designing T-Shirts, and pamphlets, and film editing. I would need some training because I did not major in marketing, however, because of my master’s degree and my familiarity with social networking, I could assist with online marketing activities.

        I have a Master’s Degree, that, I earned, while studying to engage, in various work and service areas, which are listed for you above.  I earned my Master’s Degree, an accredited degree, from Florida State University, in August of 2010.  I have found it to be a most useful degree, even, when I am not working, in the strictest sense. I have had more practice in some of the various above mentioned areas, than in other areas, but, I can engage in all the above mentioned areas, in a more than fundamental capacity. In addition, I took a number of business classes as an undergraduate, although it was not my major: marketing, multinational business, business technical writing, financial and managerial accounting, and micro and macro-economics, which have prepared me to be more helpful in a business environment.

        If you require any additional information from me, about me, in regards to my ability to freelance, or, to work in other areas, and in other capacities, then do please contact me, and inquire, and right away.  I love approbation, and, if you are still curious, and still considering me for hire, then, I am at your service. I can be reached by email, at: bayo.cary@yahoo.com, or, I can also be reached by text or phone at: 001-352-262-9733

        I have examples and samples of my previous and varied work, and, I am evolving as creative and intelligent individual still.  My skills and my knowledge are improving daily.  If, I have not impressed you, with any of my abilities, as of yet, then, I do truly, and honestly, hope to do so, very soon, and more so, in the very near future.  I really do need a job.  I love to work.  I do believe, that if I am suitable to your needs, that I could very well, provide you with the work and services, and at an extremely high level of quality, and at an excessive quantity, if necessary, that you both: desire and require.  I am an extremely hard worker. 

        Thank you so very much, for your serious and sincere consideration for employment.  I will look for your reply by email, or text, or contact through a phone call. I can be reached at the following email address: bayo.cary@aol.com or, at the following phone number: 001-352-262-9733. Please hold my employment application on file, in case, if presently, I am not suitable for a position which are available, you can continue to consider me for other employment positions, which, may be opening up, in your offices, in the very near future. Thank you again.


Law School Admittance/Scholarships:

     I was accepted to so many law schools, here in the U.S.A., with so many scholarship offers, that, I have decided, not to list them all.  The scholarships, to the various law schools, ranged, from partial, to full scholarships, and, I was invited, to apply to participate, in a joint L.L.M. law school program, here in the U.S.A, as well. I have also been accepted to 2 law schools abroad, in the UK- Northumbria and The University of Buckingham.

Herbert Lehman Undergraduate
Minority Scholarship 1994/1996-2000/2008
Legal Defense Fund
New York, NY

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Academic 2 year College
S.F.C.C., 2003-2004
Gainesville, FL

Recommended by Dean/F.S. College of Law
M.P.L.E. Pre-Law Undergraduate Scholarship, 1998
Tallahassee, FL
F.S.U. College of Law Scholarship
Minority Summer Law Program, summer 1998
Tallahassee, FL

F.S.U. College of Law Superlatives
Superlatives: "Best Legal Arguments: Written and Oral, etc."
Minority Summer Law Program, summer 1998
Tallahassee, FL

W.E.B. Dubois (Minority) Honor Society
Academic Honors Society, 1997-1999
Tallahassee, FL

S.F.C.C. Dance Scholarship, summer 1994
Gainesville, FL

S.F.C.C. Minority Academic Scholarship, 1994
Gainesville, FL

Teaching Scholarship
P. K. Yonge/U.F. Lab School
Gainesville, FL

Work Experience:

Office Assistant at University of Florida Athletic Association
March 2008 - August 2008 (6 months)

       I worked with two disability specialists who provided academic and medical resources to students with disabilities. The work was strictly confidential. I compiled information related to the students' disabilities. I re-organized files. I engaged in basic data entry: of grades, standardized test scores (SAT/ACT), and other pertinent information. I graded intelligence tests. I transported students to and from appointments with local psychologists for academic disability evaluations. I worked with excel and other word processing programs to draw up documents that were requested by my supervisor. I did a great deal of Xeroxing documents and some faxing as well.

Legal Assistant to Mr. Mark Olive, Esq.
March 2001-October 2001

     I engaged in basic secretarial duties such as: faxing, filing, Microsoft Word processing, legal correspondence, case summary, office running, and online research into pro bono projects in the areas of hunger and homelessness.

Office Assistant at Florida State University PIMS Program
1999 - 2000 (1 year)

       I engaged in basic secretarial duties, such as: faxing, filing, Microsoft word processing, and, I compiled slide shows, applied and received a grant from the United Way of Tallahassee, for the after school STRIDE tutorial premedical program, at Florida State University, and functioned in the position of community outreach, as well as assisting with an on campus minority premedical association (MAPS), and I engaged in office running on campus.

Research and Writing Experience:

Grant Proposals/Application: United States Government (A Community Health Care
Center $250,000.00, No Grant Provided) and A Non-For Profit Agency (Approximately $ 1000.00, Grant Provided);

Research Papers: Since 1994, (Examples of recent work are available upon request);

Legal Writing and Research: Minority Summer Law Program at Florida State University College of Law: I was granted several superlatives, for: best written legal argument, etc.;
Research Proposal: (Also available upon request.);

Strategic Management Plan: (Also available upon request.)

Thesis: A Comparative Analysis of the Digital Divide in the United States and that in Great

Britain (Credit for my thesis work is notated on my transcript, however, my thesis is not on file at Florida State University and has not been published.);

Blog Sites: WordPress account: http://bayoelizabethcary.wordpress.com/  (Others URL’s are available upon request.);

Publication of Web Pages to the Internet: I am familiar and proficient in both XHTML and CSS.

Work and Volunteer Experience and Actual Skills Gained:

       I ran my own African dance troop/class, as a high school student (1993-1994).  We were paid, for most to perform.  Oft times, I featured my own line of fashion, 10 or so pieces, that were made out of African fabric, at the same time that we performed.  I designed and sewed, most of the African dance costumes, for the entire troop—myself, although, I did have some assistance.

      In addition, I have done a small amount of grass roots marketing with: Teatro Del Pueblo in MN, as an AmeriCorps member (1995-1996).  I suggested questionnaires, in order to evaluate both: satisfaction, and to evaluate the quality of the services provided.  Since that time, I have taken two research classes (undergraduate/graduate), which have provided me with additional information and experiences, in regards to: clinical/on site research, data collection and evaluation, and the basics of statistics, and the nature of a "true experiment."    

           I also have the ability to write grants.  When I worked as an undergraduate, at F.S.U., I wrote for a grant, which was given to: the F.S.U. Medical School (P.I.M.S. Program).  In addition, as part of my volunteer activity, as a pre-medical student in the Tallahassee, FL community, I helped to write the by-laws for, and to establish, a non-for-profit medical and education outreach program (1999).  I also designed the digital T-shirt logo, and the pamphlet, with the assistance of a friend of mine, who was an art major at F.S.U., and her mother--a professional graphic artist.


     I have worked as an instructor, in three after school programs, in both: Florida and Georgia.  I was trained and certified, in early childhood education, while I was an undergraduate student at F.S.U., so that I could work in the pre-school, where my children were in attendance.  I have worked as: a daycare provider, a nanny, an assistant pre-school teacher, and a lead pre-school instructor.


      When I was in high school, I was selected for an honor’s award, for the diligence with which, I applied myself, to improving my English writing skills.  As both: an English and Honor's undergraduate student, I have engaged in a great deal of research and writing. I have experience with documenting in both: M.L.A. and A.P.A. format.  In addition, I wrote/completed a voluntary thesis for my Master's Degree (August 7, 2010).

Community Organizations

        I have volunteered off and on for many years--since I was in middle school (1988): March of Dimes, Children's Home Society. In 1995 I was employed by AmeriCorps for 2 years. My first year with AmeriCorps was spent in St. Paul, MN at the Neighborhood House Association and my second year of volunteer work with AmeriCorps was spent at an elementary school in the Bond Community in Tallahassee, FL. I low income community close to FAMU University and Florida State University. While I was working at the F.S.U. College of Medicine PIMS program as an undergraduate student at Florida State University I volunteered at Bond Community Health Center, Madison County Nursing Home, and Christmas of 1999 I transported free medical supplies to indigent patients n Guyana. 

    At present I am volunteering with The Bread of the Mighty Food bank, and I have trainings to begin volunteering at the Friends of the Library on March 11, 2015, and at the Public Library on March 6, 2015. I am excited about volunteering in the Gainesville, FL community, and will make time to continue my volunteer activities even after I am employed, for instance, I have signed up to volunteer at Friends of the Library on Saturday mornings.


      I have a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science.  I specialized in information science.  I am familiar with a: MAC/iMAC, but recently, I have only been working on: a laptop/notebook, or a desk top P.C. .  I utilize the most recent Microsoft O.S. and word processing programs available.  I know how to utilize movie software and sound mixing software, and Excel charts, as well. I am also familiar with, and adept at social networking sites. I am willing to participate in continuing education classes if there is some area of computer science that the office needs me to be better trained and certified in. I have already looked into some of the certification classes, which are available in various academic concentrations, at Santa Fe College. I may have money available through vocational rehab to pay for the continuing education classes. I am very familiar with the Internet.  While working on my master’s degree, I engaged in a great deal of academic database research on the Internet research, while I was preparing my voluntary thesis.

CPR/First Aid

       I have been certified before (1997), in both.  I had to be certified in both: C.P.R. and First Aid, in order to qualify, for my early childhood education certificate. I plan to be recertified in CPR and First Aid after my volunteer orientation with the Red Cross this Saturday the 21st, 2015, because then the classes will be free to me.

Fundraising/Grant Writing

      I wrote a grant, which was given by the United Way of Tallahassee, to: the F.S.U. Medical School P.I.M.S. program, when I worked there.  The grant writing was part of the service that I provided, as a state employee, for the university. I thoroughly enjoy writing and research, and would gladly engage in additional grant writing activities, if the opportunity became available. I also enjoy writing long research papers like my 77 page thesis from my master’s degree. I know how to conduct an experiment as well to collect both quantitative and qualitative data to support a grant application. I am willing to work hard, and I am willing to work overtime to complete a project assigned at work. I willingly take my work home with me. I enjoy sitting for hours on end in front of the computer, checking emails, sending messages, posting to social networking sites, researching, etc. .

Law/Pre-Legal Studies

      I have just recently been accepted to law school, in both: the U.S. and the U.K. .  In addition, I participated in a summer minority pre-legal studies program at the F.S. U. College of Law (1998).  The legal classes that were offered, were, Intro to: legal writing, legal research, case analysis, moot court, etc. .  I earned several superlatives for my participation, and the law school Dean who was overseeing the Summer scholarship program recommended me for an undergraduate pre-legal scholarship, which was granted to me.
        I also worked as a legal secretary, for a brief period of time, for Mr. Mark Olive, Esq., while I was an undergraduate at F.S.U. (2001). Finally, I had the opportunity to study both: legal research and some legal policy, that which relates to information science, while I was studying for my Master's Degree (2009). I passed the LSAT in 2009, however, I have decided not to attend law school.

Fine Arts/Crafts
      I have been interested in art since elementary school.  I have participated in art competitions, and exhibits.  I won a prestigious art award, when I was in 5th grade, for an interpretation of the King Tut art exhibit on loan from Egypt.  I took many art classes in high school(1990-1994).
        I had some independent experiences with graphic art in college.  I designed a: T-shirt logo and a brochure, for: a non-for-profit organization, that I was helping to establish, with the assistance of a college friend and her mother.  The T-shirts turned out well, and the logo was not difficult to design--from scratch. While designing the brochure and T-shirt logo I worked with the software: Illustrator, and Adobe. While working on my master’s degree I experimented with sound mixing, video, and photo montage. I worked with Sony Vegas movie making software. In my master’s degree program I was also trained in web page building with XHTML and CSS and web page validation prior to uploading on the web.
       I have been dancing since the age of two.  In high school, I was a paid performer, who both: taught/performed African dance.  The dance group engaged in one fund raiser, at a local black box theater.  I made all of the arrangements, and incorporated other professional performers in the Gainesville, FL community.  In addition, I engaged in, and I was paid for, my participation in: Community Theater, in Gainesville, FL.  I participated in several local T.V. interviews, in regards to both: the dance and community theater participation, as well. 
      Summer of 1994, I began college on a dance scholarship, at S.F.C.C.  Then, my first semester at a 4 year college, I studied mostly: dance and theater.  Later, just before graduating with my B.A. in English, I enrolled in a Drama/English course, taught by the U.F. English Department. 

Youth Development

       I was certified by the girls club of Gainesville, FL, to work as a baby sitter, when I was in middle school.  I have been working with youth in: after school programs, daycares, and pre-school programs, since 1993.  I was certified, in 1997, in Leon County, FL, to work as a certified daycare provider, with an early childhood certificate.


     I taught academic materials in: after school programs and in daycares.  I took a multi-cultural education undergraduate class, while I was a student at F.S.U., as well, which gave me some insight into the formal education system, for older students, in Florida.

Public Health

       As an employee/volunteer, I have provided some basic community outreach services, such as: S.T.D. education, and other basic preventative health education, and I know how to take blood pressure with a pump cuff, but, I have not received any formal training in the areas of public health and medicine other than basic CPR and First Aid training.  I am comfortable with public speaking.  I would not mind providing educational information, in a formal/informal setting.  I am more than capable of doing the research, for such a task.  I have a very good memory, and I am capable extemporaneous speaker/educator--as well.


        I have participated and led numerous clubs/organizations, since high school (1990-1994).  I established my own organization as well—The Rainbow Tribe (African Dance Group), when I was in high school (1993-1994).  In addition, I lead several dance groups, in both: high school, and during my first two, semesters of college (Summer 1994, and Fall term 1994). I hope to gain training in the field of business so that I may take on a leadership managerial position.

Public Speaking

        The majority of my public speaking experience, is through my experience with both: high school and Community Theater. I was senior class President in high school, and I had to run for the office.  I also participated in moot court, during my minority summer of law school participation, on scholarship, and was granted a superlative for my performance in moot court.  Finally, as part of the participation in the honors program at Santa Fe College, I was obligated to present a final presentation, at the end of my undergraduate honor’s classes, to the entire class (2004).


        I worked for the medical school at F.S.U., when they were the P.I.M.S. program, which was a joint program with U.F. .  I volunteered at Bond Community Healthcare Center, and at: Tallahassee Memorial Hospital--residency program.  I volunteered at a nursing home, although sporadically, for several months as well. Christmas of 1999 I traveled to Guyana, in South America, for 10 days, to deliver free medical supplies to indigent patients. In addition, during that time, I spent a great deal of time reading professional medical journals, such as: J.A.M.A., etc. .

High School Educational Information

High School
P. K. Yonge Research and Developmental School/U.F. (08/01/1990 - 06/01/1994)
Gainesville, Florida
United States
Degree: High School Diploma            -           Major: Gifted, A.P., Honors
GPA: 3.5-3.7 weighted

Description: P. K. Yonge is a semi-private high school, which is owned and operated by the University of Florida.  I was moved to a private gifted class, when I was in 9th grade.  I was the only student in the class.  Later, I enrolled in other classes: a larger gifted class, advanced placement, and honor's classes.  I was frequently a straight A student.  I received numerous awards and honors for my academic achievements, particularly in chemistry, Russian, and English.

         I graduated in June of 1994, with several scholarships to continue my studies in a college environment.  I was able to accept two academic scholarships, upon graduating from high school: one scholarship was a teaching scholarship, and the other scholarship, was a summer dance scholarship.  The other scholarships which were given to me, were from the various universities which accepted me, with the exception of: The Herbert Lehman, Legal Defense Fund, Undergraduate Scholarship.

University Education (Summer 1994-to Present):

Northcentral University
Major: Business Administration with a specialization in Advanced Accounting
Presently Enrolled in a 1 year program
Program leads to CPA certification and a doctoral program

Florida State University (F.S.U.)
Master's Degree (August 7, 2010)
Major: Library and Information Science, Accredited by: A.L.A.: G.P.A.: 4.0
Concentration: Information Science and online academic database research,
 Fall 2008 - Summer 2010
Tallahassee, FL

The University of Florida (U.F.)
Bachelor's Degree (August 2008) G.P.A.: 3.10
Major: English Literature/Studies/Undergraduate Honors Society Florida State University
Concentrations: English and Psychology, 2004 - 2008
Gainesville, FL

Santa Fe Community College (S. F. C.C.)
Associate of Arts Degree (April 2004) G.P.A.: 3.6
Major:  Honor’s/English Studies/Honors Society
Concentrations: English and Honors Program Honors Courses, 2000 - 2004
Gainesville, FL

Major: Pre-legal, Pre-medical, Chemistry, and English Studies, G.P.A.: 3.3-2.9
Concentrations: Science, Psychology, Business, English, 1997-2000
Undergraduate Honors Society WEB Dubois
Tallahassee, FL

F.S.U. College of Law
Minority Summer Law Program
Concentrations: Introduction to: Legal Theory, Legal Document Analysis, Moot Court, Legal Writing, Legal Research, etc., and Superlatives Earned, Summer 1998
Tallahassee, FL

Keiser College/University
Concentration: Accounting I and II, 1996 – 1997 G.P.A.: 3.5
Tallahassee, FL

Agnes Scott College (A.S.C.)
Major: Dance and Drama, G.P.A.:3.3
Concentrations: Dance and Drama, fall 1994
Agnes Scott College
Decatur, GA

End of Resume: 18 of 18 pages : Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
April 26, 2015  bayo.cary@yahoo.com
Cell Phone: 001-352-262-9733



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